
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Monday, June 27, 2011

Continuing the Journey...

Well, at least I can say "those" tests are done! Whoosh! What a relief! Now to await the scheduling of the MRI's! No worries there! Today was the Nerve Conduction Tests...ever "heard" your muscles? Well, I can say that I have! Sterling and I heard sounds I was almost embarrassed by! Anyways, that only shows us that my leg muscles are damaged! Oh wow, think we knew that!
I will keep everyone posted on results and future testing.
It has been said that the damage to my leg could be a result of my Gastric Bypass surgery. If it is, you can guarantee it will be a bone I will pick with my surgeon! Of all the side effects I was made aware of and had to sign off on, I know that this wasn't one of them!!!!!! Hope to find out more asap!
VBS is proving to be lots of fun! Love my "Food Market" ladies! Thanks for your help and support! Looking forward to tomorrow!
Everyone be blessed!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Journey to a Promise

I begin blogging again with mixed emotions! Not sure how many will read this or how many really care, well want step by step detail! lol I have gone through so much since my surgeries. I have lost 120 pounds and feel great, well, except for the fact....well, let me just "go there"! In November I began to notice loss of sensation in my left foot. Over a few months, I began to notice that the lack of feeling was going up into my ankle and leg. I have fallen 3-4 times because of the lack of control that I have in the foot mostly. I have also had some numbness in my left hand & arm and also my face. Concentration has been an issue for months, honestly thought that was from my lack of nutrition. May still be the case.
Anyways.....after much personal reflection and honestly debate, I yielded to share this info with my surgeon. Well...that was a mute point! So, I decided to go to my primary care doctor. He was a bit alarmed with my lack of function in my left leg. He was immediately concerned and did some neuro tests himself. After that, he grew even more concerned! He has been my doc since the twins were born, so he's a little invested! lol....anyway, he believes that I may have MS. Ok, the emotions began to well up! (I was able to maintain until I got outside in the van!) Let me also mention, I was solo! On the way home I lost it! No lie! Not sure how I could see to drive! God was faithful though! Gave me visions and peace!
You know, we are all either encamped on the edge, or in the midst of , or just drawing to a close of a wilderness! Just as the children of Israel did! You know, here I was thinking I was drawing all the precious year to a close on the "other side"! OOOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSS, guess again!
So, we are now under the care of a Neurologist! One more doc to my list! I have had the referral for a couple of weeks now...yes sitting on it! But, you know God makes things happen! Called Monday to make an apt and they called back to say there was a cancellation for Tuesday, the next day! "BFF" screamed, "take it"! So, I did! We endured a 2+ hour wait to be seen! but, it was worth it! Really like doc! He did lots of tests and yes, has the same concerns as Dr. Orallo, either a neuropathy or MS. Sooo, now we are on the road to TESTS, TESTS, AND MORE TESTS! Today I took a Blink Test! Yes, a Blink Test!
The Blink test involved probes much like eeg or ecg tests on my face! Cute I can imagine! And stimulation on the "patch" of nerves in the top corner of your brow bone! To make you blink! Oh and the stimulation wasn't fun! Weird! Glad that is done!
Next tests are Monday! I will update you on those then...
Hope I wasn't too wordy! Hope you'll follow this journey! I hope to post very regularly! This way everyone can stat on the same poage....ROFL!
Love to everyone!