
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Walking with Ruth

We have all had times in our lives when we've wondered if we really fit in!  Times when really struggle wether to stay or RUN...let's be real!  In my current study of Ruth, it has become very clear to me that she must have had similar feelings.  How would you have responded?  Would you have told Naomi....no way, not leaving? you are on yourown sista I am not sure any of us can an swer that with complete certainty.  But, we can allnee that Ruth did crossmover many "lines" to her Boaz.  Then fact she even connected with Elimelech's family.  She married, to not be able to bare any children, to the death of Mahlon, to her Mother in law decided to bale and head into another country.  And we fuss about WalMart being too far.  Hear me!
What are you facing in your life that has you wanting to lace up your "running" shoes and head for the hills?  Has you afraid to get up and out of the house and face, "yet another day"?  Well, I have amazing news for you....God knows what that is and He is ready to help you through it, over it and beyond it!  HE not only brought a Godly woman (mentor)  into her life, she also brought a Godly man (husband).  Even if you don't need either one of these maybe, God also brought Ruth and YOU a Redeemer!  In knowing Him, seeking Him, we can and will find rest, refuge, and restoration.  He is the only one that really listens, loves us unconditionally, and loosens those ties that bind us.
On a more personal note.  In the season I am in, I am learning more and more about this new body of mine.  Realizing I must wait "upon" it sometimes.  Frustration, anxiety, chaos abounding and Momma honestly ought not to eat.  But, as we woman often do...I chose not yield until the wave of emotions passed and then consider what I should eat, I dove in.  Anybody with me.....you know, you get upset, grab the chips, remote, coke and hit the couch.  10 minutes later, the chips are no where to be found, coke gone, and you visually consumed some junk too I am sure.  Either way, time not well spent.  Well, the after math of my own drama was sugar issues, over all fatigue and oh my the tummy ache!  Reflection in our lives  is key...surrendering all our thoughts and ways unto Him.
Don't loose hope, our Redeemer has already come.  Yielded his life as the ultimatensacrfice.
Are you living surrenedered or laced up and ready to run?

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