
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Marah....a stick?

The Lord lead the people of Israel for 3 days away from the Red Sea...they were tired, thirsty and weary. They come to the place called Marah. They see an oasis...water in the midst of the wilderness. But when they come up on the water, they realize that it is bitter and unfit to drink. Again the Isrealites begin to wine, complain, murmer! (sound familiar?) So, Moses cried out to the Lord and was told to throw a stick into the water. Immediately the water was safe for His children to drink. (Exodus 15:22-27)

The last week has been full! I have been reminded that our journey with the Lord is always going to be an adventure! He places us between two mountains in order for us to be surrounded by His glory and His peace! We are always able to see the light at the end, if we look up! He shows us himself in very unique ways and provides us with hope from places often unnoticed! Just as God told Moses to throw a stick into the water at Marah, he's told me to throw in the stick with him! As I travel down this road toward health, he's asked me to let go and let Him! Not ever knowing who I am to bless along the way or whom will bless me along that same path! He leads us beside still waters, he restores our souls, he will NEVER leave us nor forsake us and His own will NEVER beg for bread. Today, the technician and I shared our love for the Lord. I even shared a silly story about our church and randomly she says she'd like to visit! Okay! You just don't ever know! I was even blessed by our trip to Starbucks after my tests! People do so respond to our spirits! When we are intimate with the Lord, I truly believe others will draw near(er) to us! I know that he provided for me in amazing ways today! He even gave Sterling someone to share with while I was in there. Giving him some peace and drawing his focus back to the Lord also! I will have to tell you, I prayed for every lady in my classes during first round in the "tube", kids (and their futures, even their spouses) during the second round and then tried ever so diligently to sleep through the second one...often stopping to pray for friends and marriage! I am sharing all of this to say, I drew near to him and he drew near to me! Not that he wasn't there for my first test, but, let's be honest....I wasn't. You know, there are just times when we have to say NO to something! Especially when it "just ain't his time" for us to do it!
Obviously the Lord didn't want to children of Israel to just stumble into Marah and find fresh water....I think HE was just waiting to bless them again and show Himself Faithful to His children! What do you think?
He was and is always on time and faithful! Let us not grow weary in well doing and do all he's called us to do today....today....and do it well! (thanks for that Ms. Cathy!)
Please let me know your thoughts!

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