
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Walking with Ruth

We have all had times in our lives when we've wondered if we really fit in!  Times when really struggle wether to stay or RUN...let's be real!  In my current study of Ruth, it has become very clear to me that she must have had similar feelings.  How would you have responded?  Would you have told Naomi....no way, not leaving? you are on yourown sista I am not sure any of us can an swer that with complete certainty.  But, we can allnee that Ruth did crossmover many "lines" to her Boaz.  Then fact she even connected with Elimelech's family.  She married, to not be able to bare any children, to the death of Mahlon, to her Mother in law decided to bale and head into another country.  And we fuss about WalMart being too far.  Hear me!
What are you facing in your life that has you wanting to lace up your "running" shoes and head for the hills?  Has you afraid to get up and out of the house and face, "yet another day"?  Well, I have amazing news for you....God knows what that is and He is ready to help you through it, over it and beyond it!  HE not only brought a Godly woman (mentor)  into her life, she also brought a Godly man (husband).  Even if you don't need either one of these maybe, God also brought Ruth and YOU a Redeemer!  In knowing Him, seeking Him, we can and will find rest, refuge, and restoration.  He is the only one that really listens, loves us unconditionally, and loosens those ties that bind us.
On a more personal note.  In the season I am in, I am learning more and more about this new body of mine.  Realizing I must wait "upon" it sometimes.  Frustration, anxiety, chaos abounding and Momma honestly ought not to eat.  But, as we woman often do...I chose not yield until the wave of emotions passed and then consider what I should eat, I dove in.  Anybody with me.....you know, you get upset, grab the chips, remote, coke and hit the couch.  10 minutes later, the chips are no where to be found, coke gone, and you visually consumed some junk too I am sure.  Either way, time not well spent.  Well, the after math of my own drama was sugar issues, over all fatigue and oh my the tummy ache!  Reflection in our lives  is key...surrendering all our thoughts and ways unto Him.
Don't loose hope, our Redeemer has already come.  Yielded his life as the ultimatensacrfice.
Are you living surrenedered or laced up and ready to run?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And the journey continues...

Today marks a year since I had my Gastric Bypass surgery! I was in recovery right now!  Much to my surprise, I am again recovering!  I am dealing with some considerable pain associated, we think, with a hernia near my stomach.  Surgery related.  Believe this pain is worse that the original surgery!
All that aside, and believing God for wisdom and healing in that journey!  I would like to say that the last year has revealed a great deal to  me!  If you believe that God has seasons in our lives for us to live, as I do, then I believe I have been living a winter season for quite some time.  One of being dormant and quiet, one of healing and understanding!  Now, I know some of you are laughing right now and trying to invision me being quiet, but I promise that I have!  Listening to the Lord does require us to...well, be quiet!  I really trust that from this time of germenation, the Lord is going to do big and mighty things.  I know that God will continue to lead me and guide me in this next year of my life and know that all he has for me to do I have already got the power to do it!  My sincere prayer is that I do it with style and grace!  and even more importantly...in HIs divine time!
Health concerns have an amazing way of getting our attention!  Let's look to God for how we do all we do and be accountable to the Lord for every word and deed!

"Be still my soul"!

Regina White

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A futher step in the right direction...

Also, on more of a health note...
I have been asked to do more blood work. It is my understanding that they are looking for some antibodies related to ???? something! Time will tell us on that one!
My next MRI will be next Wednesday...will update everyone post hast!
Thanks for all the prayers!

Marah....a stick?

The Lord lead the people of Israel for 3 days away from the Red Sea...they were tired, thirsty and weary. They come to the place called Marah. They see an oasis...water in the midst of the wilderness. But when they come up on the water, they realize that it is bitter and unfit to drink. Again the Isrealites begin to wine, complain, murmer! (sound familiar?) So, Moses cried out to the Lord and was told to throw a stick into the water. Immediately the water was safe for His children to drink. (Exodus 15:22-27)

The last week has been full! I have been reminded that our journey with the Lord is always going to be an adventure! He places us between two mountains in order for us to be surrounded by His glory and His peace! We are always able to see the light at the end, if we look up! He shows us himself in very unique ways and provides us with hope from places often unnoticed! Just as God told Moses to throw a stick into the water at Marah, he's told me to throw in the stick with him! As I travel down this road toward health, he's asked me to let go and let Him! Not ever knowing who I am to bless along the way or whom will bless me along that same path! He leads us beside still waters, he restores our souls, he will NEVER leave us nor forsake us and His own will NEVER beg for bread. Today, the technician and I shared our love for the Lord. I even shared a silly story about our church and randomly she says she'd like to visit! Okay! You just don't ever know! I was even blessed by our trip to Starbucks after my tests! People do so respond to our spirits! When we are intimate with the Lord, I truly believe others will draw near(er) to us! I know that he provided for me in amazing ways today! He even gave Sterling someone to share with while I was in there. Giving him some peace and drawing his focus back to the Lord also! I will have to tell you, I prayed for every lady in my classes during first round in the "tube", kids (and their futures, even their spouses) during the second round and then tried ever so diligently to sleep through the second one...often stopping to pray for friends and marriage! I am sharing all of this to say, I drew near to him and he drew near to me! Not that he wasn't there for my first test, but, let's be honest....I wasn't. You know, there are just times when we have to say NO to something! Especially when it "just ain't his time" for us to do it!
Obviously the Lord didn't want to children of Israel to just stumble into Marah and find fresh water....I think HE was just waiting to bless them again and show Himself Faithful to His children! What do you think?
He was and is always on time and faithful! Let us not grow weary in well doing and do all he's called us to do today....today....and do it well! (thanks for that Ms. Cathy!)
Please let me know your thoughts!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A bump in the journey...

Week has been hectic! Seems I was out and about all week! Feeling the effects today! My get up and go, well....ran away! Somehow it did return! We went out today on a journey. We headed out to the War Museum in Green Cove Springs, yes they have one! Only to find out they are closed for renovations until the 22nd! Okay, so now for plan b! We headed down to Palatka....There is a great restaurant there called Angels. It is in an old trolley car. They have the best burgers....1/4 lb, 1/2 lb, and Goliath! Not sure how much that weighs! Emily and I opted for breakfast! Which was a yummy choice! Eggs were fabulous! We also went to a park and ran around with the kiddos! Funny, a year ago I wouldn't have fit int he equipment! So cool! Sterling & I sang on the swings together! Great fun was had by all! We are going to trip back down there very soon and visit the Ravines! $5 a car load, our kind of activity! Will letcha know how that goes!
Friday was a mess! I was prayed up, read up and even twittered up! lol! Know that lots of peeps were praying and felt the support! The young lady that was supposed to do my test, Yvette, was really precious! She was very encouraging and all but, once that cage went over my face and the roll into the tube began....my body said NO! Yes, screamed! There was NO way it was gonna happen that day! It was going to take 2 1/2 hours for all of the tests and I couldn't even start! Not sure what is gonna happen next time! Yvette told me that they have a new machine, only had for two weeks, that is wider! Whoot, whoot! Gonna give that one a try and get some meds! Funny thing is, that will go through my system so quickly, that ought to be funny! Truthfully, really want hubby there with me too! All I could think of when it didn't happen was how quickly I could find him! Fortunately, ok, thanks be to God, he was just in Baymeadows! A stones throw away! We ended up spending the afternoon together!
You know, God is always faithful! He even had it where I could see my bestie sister Ruby as she was leaving the hospital! I know that He will provide the strength for all of this and know this journey has only just begun..on the edge of a great journey!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Continuing the Journey...

Well, at least I can say "those" tests are done! Whoosh! What a relief! Now to await the scheduling of the MRI's! No worries there! Today was the Nerve Conduction Tests...ever "heard" your muscles? Well, I can say that I have! Sterling and I heard sounds I was almost embarrassed by! Anyways, that only shows us that my leg muscles are damaged! Oh wow, think we knew that!
I will keep everyone posted on results and future testing.
It has been said that the damage to my leg could be a result of my Gastric Bypass surgery. If it is, you can guarantee it will be a bone I will pick with my surgeon! Of all the side effects I was made aware of and had to sign off on, I know that this wasn't one of them!!!!!! Hope to find out more asap!
VBS is proving to be lots of fun! Love my "Food Market" ladies! Thanks for your help and support! Looking forward to tomorrow!
Everyone be blessed!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Journey to a Promise

I begin blogging again with mixed emotions! Not sure how many will read this or how many really care, well want step by step detail! lol I have gone through so much since my surgeries. I have lost 120 pounds and feel great, well, except for the fact....well, let me just "go there"! In November I began to notice loss of sensation in my left foot. Over a few months, I began to notice that the lack of feeling was going up into my ankle and leg. I have fallen 3-4 times because of the lack of control that I have in the foot mostly. I have also had some numbness in my left hand & arm and also my face. Concentration has been an issue for months, honestly thought that was from my lack of nutrition. May still be the case.
Anyways.....after much personal reflection and honestly debate, I yielded to share this info with my surgeon. Well...that was a mute point! So, I decided to go to my primary care doctor. He was a bit alarmed with my lack of function in my left leg. He was immediately concerned and did some neuro tests himself. After that, he grew even more concerned! He has been my doc since the twins were born, so he's a little invested! lol....anyway, he believes that I may have MS. Ok, the emotions began to well up! (I was able to maintain until I got outside in the van!) Let me also mention, I was solo! On the way home I lost it! No lie! Not sure how I could see to drive! God was faithful though! Gave me visions and peace!
You know, we are all either encamped on the edge, or in the midst of , or just drawing to a close of a wilderness! Just as the children of Israel did! You know, here I was thinking I was drawing all the precious year to a close on the "other side"! OOOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSS, guess again!
So, we are now under the care of a Neurologist! One more doc to my list! I have had the referral for a couple of weeks now...yes sitting on it! But, you know God makes things happen! Called Monday to make an apt and they called back to say there was a cancellation for Tuesday, the next day! "BFF" screamed, "take it"! So, I did! We endured a 2+ hour wait to be seen! but, it was worth it! Really like doc! He did lots of tests and yes, has the same concerns as Dr. Orallo, either a neuropathy or MS. Sooo, now we are on the road to TESTS, TESTS, AND MORE TESTS! Today I took a Blink Test! Yes, a Blink Test!
The Blink test involved probes much like eeg or ecg tests on my face! Cute I can imagine! And stimulation on the "patch" of nerves in the top corner of your brow bone! To make you blink! Oh and the stimulation wasn't fun! Weird! Glad that is done!
Next tests are Monday! I will update you on those then...
Hope I wasn't too wordy! Hope you'll follow this journey! I hope to post very regularly! This way everyone can stat on the same poage....ROFL!
Love to everyone!