
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Light.....good vs. bad!

You know that the Word describes light as a "lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path". Well, in this portion of scripture, Luke 11:33-36, the Lord illustrate the need for us to KNOW whether the light we are letting in/receiving is good or...is it bad. Jesus says that if the eye is good and lets in good light then the whole of the body is filled with light; conversely, if the light is bad and we let it in, we are filled/consumed with bad! The whole of our body is filled! vs. 36 says, "If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light."
If we aren't aware of what "light" we are allowing into our bodies, we are allowing anything in! You know this comes at us, to us, in so many ways, shapes and forms. The people we hang out with, the music we listen, to the news we receive, the paths we take are all filled with either light or darkness. Today as we soak in the Lord, may we be Beautiful and fill ourselves with the light unto salvation! Jesus is the only way, the truth and the light! (life)
So, what are you allowing into you? into your person? Is it good or is it bad? Choose this day whom you will serve, allow into your whole being!
Be blessed,

"Worship & Wait; Pray & Receive; Sit in Him & Rest peacefully!"

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