
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Monday, January 31, 2011

Just ONE!

What a powerful way to end our devotionals! Luke 15 is all about....just one:
The Lost sheep...go after the one!
The Lost Coin....go after the one!
The Lost Son...waiting for the one!
These stories/parables are so rich with hope (eternal), peace (everlasting), love (unconditional), grace (never ending), and PATIENCE!
What an amazingly precious way for us to wrap up this time of prayer and fasting! Tied is a bow of promises! God has blessed each of us so during this time. Given us wisdom and insight, strength to carry on! Now, with in these precious verses, He tells us we are able to believe for so much more. That the "yet unanswered" requests can still be and will be answered! The Father waited for his lost son to come home. He waited patiently, but was also diligent! As Pastor Kerri has preached on this before, can't you just see him walking by the front door, and just having to look down the path out front? I know that as a parent, waiting isn't the easiest thing to do. But, knowing your child is "out there somewhere" has got to be one of the scariest. You know that's true whether they are right beside you, but no communication, or far away and lost! Lord, my prayer is that we are able to stay strong in YOU and enjoy the journey!

How are you going to continue in your time in devotion? What tools are you going to use? New book? The church devo bookmark? Let's share and help someone else, I am sure!

Thanks for going deep and loving the Lord,

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