
Trust you are well! Know that this is simply from my heart and trust the Lord to allow it to touch yours....somehow!

"For the Word of the Lord holds trust, and we can trust everything he does" ~Psalm 33:4

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Worship While We Wait!

Good evening everyone!
Well, day four! Everyone doing well? I really wanted to indulge in some beef myself today! Went to Publix for cat food and walked by the meat counter! Yes, had to just walk away! Emily was so cute..."Mom, not this week!"
Anyway, so off topic there, huh! Listening to the Comcast channel with the contemporary Christian music on it reminded about our groups Tuesday evening. We talked about the environment of our space, well, you know, it has really occurred to me this week, scripture tells us on many occasions that we are to "worship while we wait". No matter where or when we are told by scripture to worship the Lord. To pray without ceasing! You know, really, no matter if you are a stay at home Mom, retiree, full time employee, student, or where ever God has you right now....we have more time that we ever yield to worship and to pray! Are you seeing that this week? Are you seeing pockets of time you may have done other things that God is filling with a song in your heart or thoughts of others you need to pray about? My time since my surgery has become very precious to me. There were pockets of time during the last 3 1/2 months that literally slipped away. The only way I could find peace in those times was to put the headphones in and just let the Lord fill those empty spaces and make my thoughts His own. God is such a gentleman! He didn't overwhelm me, He simply calmed my spirit, warmed my heart and sent people into my life to assure me, Angels if you will! Now, I am aware of these moments I am very grateful to reflect upon those melodies and feel that calm all over again!
You know, God will meet us where we are! Time is no respecter of persons. We all have the same 24 hours to work with, but you know, when you spend time with Him, (just like with your tithe your finances increase ) you day seems to have more availability! What a blessing! Anyone else relate. Ladies, it is such a blessing to share these thoughts with you. Trust someone is blessed by it and we can glean from one another! Love to you all!
~Regina <3

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